General conditions

SWITCH UP - 2020


The purpose of the website is to put people in a situation of national or international mobility (hereinafter the "Users") in contact with people who offer reception and integration solutions (hereinafter the "Ambassadors").These GCU apply to any person using the Platform, it being specified that those who have an Account on the Platform will hereinafter be referred to as "Member(s)".

Article 1 - Definitions

In these general terms and conditions of use, the terms listed below and beginning with a capital letter have the following meaning

any person, natural or legal, with a Personal Space on the Platform, including the Professional Client, the User (natural person acting as a consumer on his/her own behalf or natural person attached to a Professional Client), the Ambassador, the Partner, etc.
independent professional(s) offering, on the Platform, solutions for reception and integration in the town in which they are located
these general conditions of use
Professional Client:
legal entity or local authority that has signed a service contract with Switch up with the aim of accessing the Platform in order to subscribe to Services from Ambassadors and make them available to members of its staff or to the inhabitants of its territory
account for connection to the Platform
Service Contract:
contract concluded, via the Platform, between the User or Professional Client on the one hand, and the Ambassador on the other hand, for the purpose of providing Services by the latter. This contract is concluded by means of a double-click ordering process
quotation made by the Ambassador in response to a request from a User or a Professional Client via the Platform
Personal Space:
dedicated and secure space accessible by logging into his/her Account
Platform: and all its pages, as well as the sub-domains created by Switch up in the context of making the Platform available as a grey label for the benefit of a Professional Client
service(s) marketed by the Ambassadors on the Platform
natural person (individual), acting either as a consumer or as a beneficiary (employee, member of staff, resident, etc.) of a Professional Client, who wishes to benefit from the Switch up Service, or even from the Ambassadors' Services, within the framework of a national or international geographical mobility compatible with the Ambassadors' Service offers.

Article 2 - Acceptance, compliance and modification of the TOS

2.1 Acceptance of the GCU by the Member
The Member acknowledges these GCU and accepts them unreservedly:
- if he/she is an individual consumer User, when creating his/her Account;
- if he/she is another Member of the Platform (e.g. Professional Client, Ambassador, etc.), when validating the GCU when logging into his/her Account created via the Platform for the first time by means of identifiers that he/she is invited to change when logging in for the first time.
Acceptance of these GTCs also implies unreserved acceptance of the MangoPay Electronic Money GTCs, which can be consulted on THE FOLLOWING LINK, and the MangoPay Payment Services GTCs, which can be consulted on THE FOLLOWING LINK. It is therefore the Member's responsibility to read the latter before accepting these TOU.
2.2 Compliance with the GCU by the Member
The Member undertakes to comply with these GCU and to ensure that they are complied with by any of its employees.
2.3 Modification of the GCU by Switch up
Switch up reserves the right to adapt or modify the GCU at any time, subject to notifying the Member by email and giving two weeks' notice, during which time the Member may delete his or her Account if he or she disagrees with the new version of the GCU. These modifications will only be applicable to uses of the Platform that are subsequent to them.

Article 3 - Account creation, suspension and deletion

3.1 Account creation
Any person may consult the Platform provided they have access to the Internet. However, certain features of the Platform are reserved for Members who have an Account, it being specified that the creation of an Account and access to certain features may be subject to compliance with several prerequisites (e.g. Ambassadors, Professional Customers, etc.), which include, among other things, the legal capacity of the Internet user.The process of creating an Account varies according to the status of the person wishing to create it:
- if they are an individual consumer User, they must fill in and validate a form to create an Account on the Platform. They then receive a confirmation email with temporary login details which they are invited to change on their first connection;
- if they are an individual User attached to a Professional Client, the Account creation is carried out by the said Professional Client. This User then receives a confirmation email with temporary login details that he/she is invited to change on first connection;
- if he/she is a candidate for Ambassador status, the creation of an Account is subject to prior selection, in particular according to his/her skills, and is carried out by Switch up. The Ambassador then receives a confirmation email with temporary login details that he/she is invited to change on the first login;
- if he/she is not in one of the 3 above-mentioned categories, the creation of an Account is carried out by Switch up according to their commercial and contractual relations.The Member undertakes to put in place all the necessary measures to preserve the confidentiality of his/her login details, in particular by regularly changing his/her password. His Account is strictly personal. He/she is solely responsible for the security of his/her login and password and for all acts carried out in his/her name as a result of their use, at least until he/she has informed Switch up of the loss of his/her login and password or of the fraudulent use of his/her
Account by a third party.If the User notices that his Account is compromised or used without authorisation, or any other security breach related to his Account, he must inform Switch up as soon as possible
. In case he forgets his password, the Member can reconfigure it via a dedicated procedure on the Platform.3.2 Account deletion by the Member
The Member may delete his or her Account at any time, provided that he or she is not bound by a contract concluded through the Platform that is currently being executed.
The deletion of an Account is subject to a dedicated procedure on the Site, accessible in the Personal Area. This is the only means available to the Member to delete his or her Account. If the dedicated procedure for deleting an Account is not available, the Member may contact Switch up by email at the following address: Suspension or deletion of the Account by Switch up
Switch up reserves the right to suspend or delete the Account, at any time and without prior notice, in case of violation by the Member of these T&Cs or of a contract concluded through the Platform with Switch up or another Member. This suspension or deletion and the reasons for it will be notified to the Member by email.
The Member may reply to this email in order to provide, if necessary, explanations on its failures.3.4 No effect of the suspension or deletion of the Account on current contracts
Regardless of who initiates the suspension or deletion of the Account, such suspension or deletion has no effect on current contracts, in particular Service Contracts entered into either between Ambassadors and Professional Clients or between Ambassadors and individual consumer Users.

Article 4 - Platform features

The Platform allows:
- Ambassadors to offer Services to Consumer Users or Professional Customers acting for the benefit of Users (employees, residents, etc.);
- Consumer Users and Professional Customers to subscribe to Services;
- Users to rate and comment on the Services rendered by Ambassadors;
- any Member to enter into contracts with Switch up and/or other Members;
- any Member to pay sums owed to Switch up or another Member (e.g. Ambassador), by means of an interface created with MangoPay, a payment service provider.
- any Member to access his/her personal space in order to consult his/her personal data and the contractual documents concluded with Switch up and/or other Members;
- any Member to contact Switch up or other Members;
- any Member to share all the documents necessary for the proper performance of the contracts concluded with Switch up and other Members.

Article 5. Commitments of the Member

The Member undertakes to:
- create only one Account, it being specified that it is forbidden for any individual or legal entity to have several Accounts on the Platform;
- keep their Platform access codes and Account data confidential, it being specified that their Account is strictly personal;
- provide objective, sincere, exhaustive and detailed information in their Personal Space;
- update their personal data in their Personal Space;
- not use the Platform to carry out illicit or fraudulent acts;
- respect intellectual property rights relating to the Platform and the rights of third parties (e.g. content of Users' profiles) content of Users' profiles).

Article 6. Personal data

6.1 Généralités
Switch up est le responsable du traitement des données personnelles des Adhérents collectées lors de l’utilisation de la Plateforme. Switch up assure avoir accompli les formalités adéquates à sa mise en conformité avec les dispositions de la Loi dite « informatique et liberté » du 6 janvier 1978 et du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) n° 2016/679 du 27 avril 2016.6.2 Collecte de données personnelles
Des données personnelles de l’Adhérent sont collectées lorsqu’ils utilisent la Plateforme (création de Compte, demande de Devis sur la Plateforme, conclusion de contrat avec Switch up ou d’autres Adhérents, etc.). Les données personnelles de l’Adhérent collectées au moyen de la Plateforme sont notamment les suivantes :
– Identité et coordonnées de l’Adhérent ;
– Informations de connexion (adresse IP, type de navigateur…) ;
– Préférences de l’Adhérent (ex. identification des besoins préalable à l’élaboration d’un Devis par l’Ambassadeur) ;
– Informations nécessaires à la réalisation des contrats souscrit (justificatif d’identité, justificatifs de domicile, justificatifs de revenu, de travail ou encore d’imposition, justificatif de composition familial…).6.3 Finalités du traitement des données personnelles
Les données sont traitées par Switch up afin :
– de respecter les obligations légales et réglementaires d’information, notamment vis-à-vis de l’utilisateur et du Client Professionnel ;
– de permettre l’édition de Devis personnalisés ;
– de faciliter l’exécution des Contrats de Services ;
– de solliciter, conserver et diffuser les avis de satisfaction ;
– de les transférer ou céder à nos partenaires dans les modalités de l’article 6.5 ;
– à des fins commerciales (mailing, réseaux sociaux, SMS, téléphone, courrier…).6.4 Base légale du traitement
Conformément aux termes du RGPD, les bases légales du traitement de données opéré par Switch up sont :
– l’article 6.a dudit RGPD, dès lors que la personne concernée (ex. Adhérent, Ambassadeur, Utilisateur, etc.) a consenti au traitement de ses données à caractère personnel pour une ou plusieurs finalités spécifiques (visées à l’article 6.3 des présentes) ;
– l’article 6.b dudit RGPD, dès lors que le traitement est nécessaire à l’exécution d’un contrat (ex. Contrat de Services conclus avec un Ambassadeur ou autres contrats conclus avec Switch up) auquel la personne concernée est partie ou à l’exécution de mesures précontractuelles prises à la demande de celle-ci.6.5 Transfert des données à des tiers
Switch up est susceptible de transférer des données personnelles aux tiers dans les modalités définies ci-dessous :
– transfert des données de l’Utilisateur et du Client Professionnel aux Ambassadeurs, afin que ceux-ci éditent des Devis, concluent et exécutent des Contrats de Services ;
– transfert de données de l’Ambassadeur aux Utilisateurs et Clients professionnels afin de se conformer aux obligations légales d’information et de faciliter l’exécution des Contrats de Services ;
– transfert de données au prestataire de services de paiement afin de faciliter les paiements sur la Plateforme ;
– transfert de données aux Ambassadeurs et aux Partenaires pour la bonne réalisation des Services souscrits (agences immobilières, administrations, entreprises de mise en relation, prestataires bancaires, assureurs…)
La liste des tiers précitée est exhaustive. Aucun autre tiers ne pourra avoir accès aux données des Adhérents, sauf à ce que la loi ou une décision de justice requiert de Switch up de communiquer certaines données à des entités administratives ou judiciaires.
Il est précisé que tous les tiers auxquels des données personnelles sont susceptibles d’être transférées sont tous domiciliés en Union Européenne et sont soumis à ce titre au respect du RGPD.6.6 Durée de conservation
Les avis client sont conservés pendant une durée maximale de 5 ans. Les factures et documents contractuels sont conservées et non anonymisés pour une durée de 10 ans, conformément aux obligations légales et comptables de Switch up. Les autres données sont anonymisées à des fins statistiques dès la suppression de compte ou lorsque l’Adhérent est inactif depuis 36 mois.6.7 Droits d’accès, de modification, d’opposition et de suppression
Conformément aux dispositions de la Loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978 et au RGPD, tout Adhérent dispose à tout moment d’un droit d’accès, d’opposition, de rectification et de suppression des données personnelles le concernant.
L’Adhérent peut exercer ces droits en écrivant à Switch up, par email à l’adresse suivante L’Adhérent devra préciser son identité, ses coordonnées, l’objet de sa demande et joindre un justificatif d’identité. Une réponse lui sera alors adressée dans un délai d’un (1) mois suivant la réception de la demande.
En cas d’insatisfaction, l’Adhérent a la faculté d’introduire toute réclamation s’agissant du respect des droits visés ci-dessus auprès de la CNIL en adressant sa demande :
– soit en ligne via le formulaire accessible sur la page suivante : ;
– soit par courrier à l’adresse suivante : CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

Article 7. Cookies or tracers

The Platform uses cookies to enhance the Member's experience on the Platform. Cookies are files that the Platform installs in the browser or portable device (smartphone, tablet or any connected device) during the Member's visit. They are used to record information about the Member's visit.
Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer/device. Cookies do not provide
references that allow Switch up to know personal data.
Switch up uses cookies to:
- find out how Members browse the Platform;
- collect anonymous statistical information on visits (pages consulted, length of visit...);
- optimise the Member's browsing by adapting the content to the Member's behaviour and preferences;
The Member's information and consent on the collection and processing of cookies is obtained by means of an information banner, in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL in its deliberation of 4 July 2019.
The Member is free to refuse the collection and processing of cookies. The quality of the Platform's operation may nevertheless be reduced.
He may also set the parameters for the collection and processing of cookies by means of his browser's configurators. The steps to follow can be consulted in the "Help" menu of each browser.
In accordance with Article 5 of Resolution No. 2019-093 of 4 July 2019, cookies and tracers must not have a lifespan exceeding thirteen months and this lifespan must not be extended automatically on new visits. The information collected through cookies and tracers must be kept for a maximum period of twenty-five months

Article 8. Intellectual property

Certain elements of the Platform may be protected by copyright, trademark law or database rights.
In this respect, the Member shall not reproduce, represent, modify or distribute them, in whole or in part, without the prior written authorisation of the holder of the rights. Any unauthorised use is likely to constitute an infringement of copyright and may result in legal proceedings.
The Member is formally prohibited from copying all or part of the functionalities enabling the Platform to be used.
In addition, Switch up is the publisher of the database constituted by the Platform, which is protected by the application of articles L. 341-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. As such, any extraction or use of the content of the database may incur the civil and/or criminal liability of its author.

Article 9. Hypertext links

It is forbidden, without the prior written consent of Switch up, for any Member to create any hypertext link to the Platform. Switch up is in any case not responsible for hyperlinks created by third parties and directed to the Platform

Article 10. Liability

10.1 Responsibility of the Member
The Member is responsible in particular for the consequences of:
- any failure to comply with any of the stipulations of these GCU;
- any input error;
- any identity theft on the Platform when the Member has not respected his or her obligation of confidentiality regarding his or her connection identifiers.10.2 Responsibility of Switch up
Switch up shall do its utmost to ensure the proper functioning and security of the Platform. However, Switch up cannot be held responsible for:
- interruptions, delays or unavailability of the Platform due, in particular, to a break in service, maintenance work, external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses;
- the consequences of unauthorised use of the Account;
- the consequences of an Account closure justified by a breach by the Member of its obligations towards Switch up and the other Members.10.3 Force majeure
Neither Switch up nor the Member shall be liable in the event of force majeure. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1218 of the Civil Code, force majeure occurs when an event beyond the control of the debtor, which could not reasonably be foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents the performance of its obligation by the said debtor.

Article 11.

11.1 Autonomy of the clauses of the GCU
Unless otherwise expressly stipulated, in the event that any of the clauses of the present GCU should be null and void or could not be executed, in particular due to an existing or new legal rule, the said clause shall have no effect on the validity and/or execution of the other clauses of the present GCU.11.2 Absence of tacit waiver of any of the clauses of the GCU
The fact that Switch Up does not avail itself at a given moment of any stipulation of the present GCU or of their violation, cannot be considered as a waiver of the right to invoke the benefit of this stipulation or of this violation.

Article 12 - Claims, applicable law and dispute resolution

These GCU are governed by French law.
For any complaint concerning the use of the Platform, the Member (including the consumer User) may contact Switch up by email at the following address
In the event of a dispute concerning the use of the Platform between Switch up and a consumer User, which is not resolved within one (1) month of the first written complaint, the latter has, in accordance with the provisions of articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, the possibility of having recourse free of charge to the consumer mediator appointed by Switch up, namely ATLANTIQUE MEDIATION CONSO:
- either by filling in the form provided for this purpose on its website or by clicking here;
- or by post to the following address MAISON DE L'AVOCAT - 5, mail du Front populaire - 44200 NANTES
The consumer User remains free to accept or refuse the recourse to mediation and, in the event of recourse to mediation, each Party is free to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator.
The consumer User is also informed of the existence of the European platform for online settlement of disputes intended to collect any complaints following an online purchase from European consumers and to transmit them to the competent national mediators. This platform can be accessed via the following link: https: //
In the event of a dispute concerning the use of the Platform which has not been resolved amicably, the competent jurisdiction to hear the dispute shall be:
- in the case of Platform Members who are merchants, the Commercial Court of Nantes, to which the parties confer exclusive jurisdiction;
- in the case of other Members, determined in accordance with the applicable rules of civil procedure