In professional mobility in Nantes Saint Malo Toulouse Lille Brest La Rochelle Grenoble Angers Rennes Strasbourg Lyon Montpellier Nice Amiens Bordeaux Marseille Tours Saint-Etienne Reims Orléans Rouen Perpignan Toulon Amiens Nancy Nîmes Metz Avignon Mulhouse Saint-Denis Besançon Limoges Caen Annecy Troyes Poitiers Paris Versailles Ancenis Pau Roubaix Nanterre Tourcoing Calais Ancenis Chateaubriant Dijon ?

Find your ambassador to help you settle into your new home!



Your ambassador helps you find accommodation in your new home

administrative procedures


Your ambassador will help you with your administrative procedures 



Your ambassador introduces you to the city and the local community

job search


Your ambassador introduces you to the city and the local community



Your ambassador helps you register your children for school and activities

Support 💯% taken care of

Are you moving more than 70 km from your current home and joining a company with more than 10 employees?

The accommodation search service is offered to you, at no cost to you or your company!

Tell us everything!