Telework, a mobility facilitator?
The three Covid-19 pandemic-related lockdowns were marked by the systematic implementation of telework . Employers and employees alike are increasingly in favour of telework. Telework can improve quality of life and productivity... So, can we say that telework is a facilitator of professional mobility?
In search of a better quality of life.
The health crisis, an unprecedented impact
COVID, an earthquake that shook the world of work... This health crisis marks an important turning point in the evolution of the world of work that will impact the next decade.
According to the Observatoire de la Société et de la consommation, and more precisely in their study "Nouvelles vies françaises" (New French lives) 2.6 million French people have decided to change profession. 2.6 million are also ready to move after the famous health crisis.
Ways of consuming are changing and, as a result of this crisis, there has been a profound change in society's mentality. Society is refocusing on well-being, work-life balance and ecology.
The case of the Parisians
Leaving Paris to find a better quality of life in the regions? After the confinements, many people from the Paris region are taking the plunge. And to facilitate this transition, many of them enjoy their Parisian jobs and want to continue their careers in the same company.
Partial teleworking allows you to live close to Paris, and to go there only 2 or 3 days a week. Moving to a city close to the capital is totally feasible: the developed transport networks make it possible to reach Paris quickly! Finding a town close to Paris also allows Parisians to take advantage of their free time. This is particularly true at weekends, when they can get away from it all and enjoy the quality of life offered by our beautiful French regions.
According to a study by CitrixAccording to a Citrix survey, 46% of French people say they would consider moving from their city home to a rural area if they could continue to fulfil their role flexibly.
Telework as a mobility facilitator
The French cite two reasons for deciding to move: quality of life and the possibility of achieving the same quality of work regardless of where they live . 74% of those willing to move believe that a rural area would offer a better work-life balance.
Teleworking in a Parisian company and living in the suburbs is now an ideal solution for French people who want to change their place of life. Indeed, 29% of French people said that the pandemic proved that they could do their work from anywhere and that their employer supported them in this approach
But it is also common that you look directly for a new job in a new city, a new region. Indeed, during your search and your mobility, a compromise can be found with the company of departure or your new company. Partial teleworking, or a whole week of teleworking in order to be able to move serenely...
Do you want to move to a new region but don't know where to go yet?
Balance is the key to success.
Flexibility of operation
Teleworking gives you more control over your own life balance. It allows you to ensure both your personal and professional life. Without sacrificing one's personal life and family obligations, this system makes it possible to work differently. 73% of teleworkers believe that this new way of working has a positive impact on their own lifestyle. The most important criterion is time flexibility.
For French teleworkers, the main advantage of teleworking is the possibility to use the time they used to spend commuting productively (51%).
A more pleasant everyday life
After an obvious settling-in and adaptation period, teleworkers can observe an improvement in their work and productivity.
Overall, 47% of respondents felt that their level of productivity was higher when working from home.
It is also and above all much less stressful. It also means being able to get up a little (only a little) later, to have a quiet lunch at home... Teleworking changes your life .
However, it is important to keep your professional and personal life separate. For this reason, we advise you to organise an adequate work space dedicated solely to your professional activity. Teleworking often makes it easier to reconcile work and family life.
By using Switch Up, you can settle into your new home with peace of mind, even if you are teleworking. Thanks to our local ambassadors, finding accommodation and social integration will be easier.